Just a couple of things I wanted to note in this chapter. There is a big shift here. There is this Roman army officer—a Captain who chooses to follow Jesus. He doesn’t really know how to do it, so he sends for some help, namely Peter.
At the same time Peter is being given a vision where all kinds of animals are before him and God is telling him to kill and eat. You have to remember that Jewish people have strict eating rules. They can only eat things that God has spelled out a clean. Here God was telling him to eat any of the animals. Peter is not sure what it means. Knock, knock. There is a servant telling of Cornelius and how he is a God-fearing man wanting to hear the Gospel... The message of Jesus. Here’s the thing. Cornelius is a Gentile (someone that is not Jewish). To this point the Gospel was for the Jewish people. Peter should not be doing anything with this man, but soon Peter understands the vision God gave him. The message of Jesus was for ALL people. Cornelius arranges for his family and close friends to be there to hear all of what Peter says. They are baptised right there. Right after, God confirms that his message is for all people by sending his Holy Spirit to fill the Gentiles.
The message of the Gospel is for ALL people. God’s plan for salvation is for everyone! That means you!
Will you hear it? Or will you ignore it?
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