A Little Bit About Me...

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I have many hats that I wear. I am a husband and father. I am pastor/teacher at my church. I am part of a team working on a large project at work. I am a friend. I am a budding visionary. I am a writer, an actor, and a director. I am an artist. I am a student of the Bible. I have a brain that comes up with some pretty crazy and interesting ideas, and I have a personality to match. I try to treat all people how I would like to be treated. I strive to be steadfast, immovable in my faith. I seek after the TRUTH, and I believe that it can be found, not just 'from my perspective', but for all people.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Review of "Billy Graham in Quotes"

“Billy Graham in Quotes” is a book that I asked for out of curiosity.  I have been a long time fan of Rev. Graham.  I was able to see him in my city when he came.  When I saw this was available I wanted to read it.  It is set up as a collection of quotations from the written works of Billy Graham.  In the table of contents you can see that there are topics from anger and anxiety to marriage and young people, and once you get into the quotations you get to see the depth and wisdom of the man.  It is so refreshing to dig into these quotations.  I have seen many books of late where there is such a weak proclamation of right and wrong, let alone the Gospel.  This man’s writings come from decades spent studying the Word of God.  The way the book is framed is that Rev. Graham writes from what he reads in Scripture.  As I read through it I could see that.  As I read from topic to topic I was pleased with how directly his words addressed what the Bible says.  Some topics would have most people pleased with Rev. Graham’s perspective, while others will step on people’s toes.  As a student of the Bible and a student of Christian history/biography I count this as a valuable volume for my shelf for future reference.  It has a ton of quotes for teaching others, preparing sermons or just posting a challenging Facebook status.  Each quotation is referenced so I can go back and pursue something further if I need to.  Such a great idea from one of Christendom’s most well-known preachers.  I was provided a complimentary copy for review by Booksneeze.


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