I have sort of been camped in the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 9, verses 24 to 27. The apostle Paul is writing here and he goes into a comparison of his preaching the Gospel with athletes training.
Such a great passage! It’s tough to do what it takes to be an athlete. I’m doing my best. I’m working at it. It really is training though.
Self-control has never been one of my strong suits… especially with food, hence why I am in this situation as it is. I am having to learn to cook better food. I have increased my veggies and fruit. My parents gave me a rice cooker, which has been incredible to work with! Some rice, some chicken, and veggies, and I am good to go. Some nights I have to make two meals because the kids might not really like what I am eating. I still allow some dessert, but I cut back on the portions. I just wish it happened faster.
But I was talking to the young people in Infuzion this past Sunday about this verse, and I got to the end of the passage and really focused there for a few minutes. Paul is talking about disciplining his body and then he considers what could happen if he does not control what he does with his body… He could lose his salvation if he keeps using his body to sin.
Yes, it is one thing to take care of your body, and to train your body and be healthy, but what about the things that you do with your body? Your body does not just do things without your consent (in most cases). Your mind controls what you do with your body.
Doing a bit of theological study of the Bible, you will see how people are made up of a flesh, a spirit, and a mind (soul). You see evidence of this in Pop-culture when you see the conscience on someone’s shoulders with a demon and an angel. Your mind is what decides what you do. Your spirit is the part of you that allows you to commune with God. Your body is the part that is connected to this earth. Between the two of these is the mind.
Let’s look for a minute… what happens if you feed your body well? If you exercise? Obviously, you will get stronger… healthier? Now what happens if you feed your body junk food? If you sit and do nothing to move your muscles? Obviously, you get fat, and there can be all kinds of other health issues. (If you look at the Amplified Bible, the verse above reads: “But I buffet my body and…”… Of course, if you go out to the buffet, then you probably overeat…. And of course, this is not what the word means. ;o) )
Now what about your spirit. If you spend time with God every day, and you pray, and you read the Bible, and you study it, and apply it to your life, then your spirit gets stronger. If you spend all of your time absorbed in media, and listening to the ideas of the world then your spirit will get weaker, and your time with God will be more difficult.
Your body pulls you to the world. Your spirit pulls you to God, and whichever one you feed will define your alignment… where your heart points. Now back to your mind… Your mind is the thing that decides. It chooses what you want to do. If it hears your body that has no discipline, it will be easier to choose to go towards the world. If it hears your spirit calling you to God, it will be easier to move towards God.
I am always examining my life for areas where God needs to do work in me… actually, where I need to allow God to do some work in me. As I train my spirit, it also becomes easier to train my body.
Training my body is only in part from trying to be healthier. It also involves the other things I do with my body. With my body I can yell at someone. I can steal. I can hurt. I can lie. I can do any other thing on those lists of sins in the Bible. But as I move towards God, He helps me to refine my behaviour… to purge sin from me…. To strengthen my conscience so that I do what is needed to make things right.
It doesn’t totally wrap up in the changing of behaviour though… As someone that wants to follow Jesus, I have to acknowledge that I have sinned, or broken God’s laws. I have to understand that because of that I deserve the punishment of hell. I have to trust in Jesus, and his work at the cross to save me. I need to love God and love others with all of my spirit, mind and body…. Within the confines of God’s protective law.
So next time you go to eat that thing that you know is not good for you, think about what you have been feeding your spirit too. Is it healthy, or do you need to put it on a diet?